From Arusha to the farm will take you approximately 2 hours to get to Simba Farm Lodge.
From Moshi to the farm will take you appromimately 1 1/2 hours to get to Simbs Farm Lodge.
From Arusha, drive towards Moshi and go past the KIA (Kilimanjaro International Airport) turn off. When you reach Boma N’gombe, there will be sign for Sanya Juu to the left. Turn left on the road to Sanya Juu road.
Stay on this road for approximately 50km. It will take you all the way to the farm. Follow the road past Sanya Juu town; when the tarmac ends the farm is about 25km away.
After 20km on the dirt road you will see a sign that says “Kambi Ya Tembo” pointing to the left. Drive straight past the “Kambi Ya Tembo” sign for another 1.5km.
Then you will turn left at a concrete sign that says “Simba Farm”, you can’t miss it. The entrance gate to the farm will be ahead on your right.
Simba Farm Lodge,
West Kilimanjaro
Mobile: +255 784 687 335
+255 785 483 116